CLL Series Low Inductance MLCCs

By TDK Corporation 315

CLL Series Low Inductance MLCCs

TDK’s CLL multilayer ceramic capacitor series features ultra-low inductance (less than 150 pH) and unique internal design. Ultra-low inductances are achieved with unique 8-terminal design. These terminals are connected in an alternating configuration which results in the cancellation of mutual inductance by alternating the flow of current so that the magnetic fields cancel each other out, allowing for ultra-low inductance along with reduced parasitic losses.

The CLL ultra low inductance series is currently available in two case sizes with operating temperature range of -55°C to +125°C, a capacitance range up to 4.7 µF, and voltage ratings from 4 VDC to 10 VDC.

  • Unique internal structure that cancels magnetic fields to reduce inductance
  • Compact and lightweight
  • RoHS, WEE, and REACH compliant
  • Contains no lead and supports lead-free soldering
  • Up to +125°C operating temperature available
  • Decoupling CPU power lines
  • High-speed digital IC applications
  • High-impedance/high-current circuits
  • Power supplies

