EPSILON5 MKIV Portable ISP Programmer

By Equinox Technologies 407

EPSILON5 MKIV Portable ISP Programmer

Equinox Technologies' EPSILON5-MKIV portable USB ISP programmer is the latest version of the ever-popular EPSILON5 programmer series. It is a high-speed development/field/production programmer, supporting many in-system programmable (ISP) microcontrollers from Microchip, NXP, ST, and Zensys. The programmer can be operated under PC control during development, and for project configuration/uploading using the EQTools Toolsuite. For field/production applications, the unit is designed to operate in 'Standalone Mode'. A 'Programming Project' can be recalled from the on-board non-volatile FLASH memory and programmed into a Target System by pressing a single key. All the popular ISP headers are catered for including the new JTAG ISP Port required for fast programming of the Microchip ATmega AVR and ARM families.

Click here for a list of supported devices

  • On-board +12 V VPP generator for programming Microchip ATtiny11/12/15 microcontrollers in 'High voltage Serial Mode'
  • Fastest programming times possible due to on-board data, high-speed SPI and JTAG port
  • Supports programming of FLASH, EEPROM, FUSE bits, Security bits and RC Oscillator Calibration bytes
  • 2 Mbits of on-board, non-volatile FLASH memory for user project storage (Standalone Mode)
  • SCK2 oscillator signal for externally clocking ATmega and ATtiny microcontrollers during programming
  • JTAG Port - FAST ISP using JTAG algorithm (license upgrade)
  • Field programming - supports programming of a single customer firmware/product version
  • Distributor/Sales agent field programming applications
  • Low-to-medium volume production programming
  • Re-programming of product batches in production

