PSoC® 4 BLE 256 KB Module with Bluetooth®

By Cypress Semiconductor Corp 74

PSoC® 4 BLE 256 KB Module with Bluetooth&#174

Cypress Semiconductor's  CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256 KB device is Bluetooth 4.2 certified, measures 45 mm x 27 mm x 2 mm, and features two crystals for the antenna matching network, a PCB antenna, and other passives, while providing access to all GPIOs of the device.

The module can be plugged into the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low Energy Pioneer Kit or can be used standalone with an external programmer like the CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3. The CY8CKIT-143A is qualified for the Bluetooth 4.2 specification. Download PSoC Creator 3.3 SP1 or later to work with the CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256 KB Module.

