PSoC® 4 S-Series Pioneer Kit

By Cypress Semiconductor Corp 52

PSoC® 4 S-Series Pioneer Kit

Cypress' PSoC 4 S-Series Pioneer Kit features Cypress' fourth-generation capacitive-sensing solution that "just works" in noisy environments and in the presence of liquids. This kit enables the user to evaluate and develop with CapSense using the capacitive trackpad, capacitive buttons, and proximity sensor, all capable of self- and mutual-capacitive sensing.

The PSoC 4 S-Series Pioneer Kit features footprint compatibility with Arduino shields and includes an EZ-BLE™ PRoC™ module, a potentiometer, and a rechargeable coin-cell battery. This kit also contains an on-board programmer and debugger, designed using PSoC 5LP®, that can support industry standard programming interfaces like CMSIS-DAP and drag-and-drop programing.

The PSoC 4 S-Series kit includes a plastic enclosure that enables the use of the kit as a finished product that implements a USB or a Bluetooth mouse.

Kit Contents
  • PSoC 4 S-Series Pioneer Board
  • USB standard-A to micro-B cable
  • Water dropper
  • Four press-fit connectors (for Arduino headers)
  • Four jumper wires
  • Quick start guide



